Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Im a "Fender-Bender"

Alright so today was not fun at all. well it started out okay. . . and by lunch time it was doomed to be a horrible day. I was stopped at a stop light behind a green GMC Sierra Pick up truck. i had just got done having one of my sneezing fits from my allergies when the light turned green. So i did what everyone usually does. . . start to roll with the slow flow of traffic as we pick up some speed. i dont even think i was going over 5-10 mph. well right after the light turned green, i looked down to get my inhaler because i couldnt breathe from all the sneezing i had been doing. i literally looked down for MAYBE two seconds, and when i looked back up the GMC was stopped dead in his tracks right in front of me. i slammed on my breaks but it was too late. He had a hitch and that is what cause these dinky dents in my front bumper. but apparently fiberglass is now stronger than metal because i bent his metal bumper down and all i got were these two little marks. the hitch didnt even go all the way through my bumper. Now i ask you, if i hit him hard enough to bend his bumper down, wouldnt you think that i would at least have a hole to show for it??? lol. well im greatful i dont, but it makes you kinda wonder if his bumper was already previously bent down. i also thought about this because the bugs ride low, and hitches (you would think) would hit my hood not my bumper, but it didnt in this case. well who knows, all i know is it was a sucky day. but at leas both of us were okay i guess. my sister texted me shortly after it happend and said, "hey jordyn be happy, at least you didnt total your car like i did a few weeks ago." LOL. she does have a point.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Curly hair with the new color

okay so i told you all i would put up a pic of the new hair with highlights after i brought the curls back. :-) here it is. i like it better curly anyways. dont get me wrong it is pretty when its straight, but it takes forever to straighten with the flat iron so i dont like to do that too much. but here it is. i really like it still. THANKS AGAIN SONIA for doing such a great job! :-)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"COOL" shot glasses!!!

these are "COOL" shot glasses. . . LITERALLY! i got these shot glass molds last night at Bed Bath and Beyond. You simply fill the blue bottoms with water, put on the green lids which poke down in the middle of the blue bottoms (cups) and disperse some of the water out to form the glass shape, stick in the freezer, and let freeze. when they are frozen you take them out and you have ICE SHOT GLASSES! they are the coolest things! im so excited to use them, now who wants to party???? :-) im serious, im gonna have a party and use these things. i think i have made like 2 batches of 24 so far. . . LOL i know im goin over board, but i just cant get over how neat they are. he he he. so as soon as school is out i will think of a weekend and let everyone know for a PARTY AT JORDYN'S!!! we can drink and play the wii :-) kinda dangerous, but you know me, i live on the edge!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


So last night i decided i needed to get my highlights put back in my hair. . . So i called up my friend sonia who is going to school at the School of Hairstyling and asked her when i could make an appointment. She told me to just stop in today at 10am and she would do them. . . SO I DID! Then after it was done i came home and straightened it with my flat iron so that you could see the color really well. Now dont anyone worry, the curls will come back when i wet it down. I only straighten my hair once every 3 months just for kicks. Well let me know what you think, I LOVE IT! Thanks Sonia! You did an AWESOME job!

Totalled Toyota

Okay so here are the pictures of mady's totalled toyota! It wasnt as bad as i had pictured it in my head, but it is still REALLY bad! Luckily both girls were wearing their seat belts and that is probably why they are both still alive.
both air bags deployed wich was good, but the windshield was shattered. thank goodness that the front windshield stayed roughly (in pieces) together tho, but the rest of the windows were shattered out pretty much.
This is where we think that mady hit her head to make that huge gash that she had. you can see the blood on the silver plastic right above the vent. man her head must be fragile for it not to be strong enough to withstand plastic. lol. j/k.
After seeing these photos i was deffinately shocked! this just makes this situation that much more of a miracle that we have my sister still with us today. im so greatful to have her in my life still, and forever. I LOVE YOU MADY!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Me . . . Irritated . . . Again!

Okay. . . So. . . im angry again!!! Or i guess angry is a pretty strong word, you could say i was irritated again. . . ya that sounds better. So my parents got in a big blow up about Mady's new car. Ya, i know, shocker huh??? My dad feels like my mother rushed into things and he was upset that she didnt even wait for the totaled car to be paid off by the insurance before she went out and bought a new one. . . THATS UNDERSTANDABLE FOR HIM TO BE MAD ABOUT THAT, its crazy to do something like that. But yet she still doesnt see what she did wrong. WOW, THATS UNBELIEVABLE! So my mom had called me to tell me all this, and i decided to ask her if Mady had a job yet? . . . No Mady doesnt have a job yet. hmmmm. . . there's something wrong with this picture. But my mother's supporting argument to that answer is that "Mady is tired with dance and school". And then she told me that i didnt have too much room to talk because she helps me A LITTLE bit with my rent each month. Okay so i can see her point with that. Yes, im guilty of her helping me, but she's the one that wouldnt let me move so that i wouldnt have to have her help. She also told me that she would never hold that over my head. . . well i guess she lied. I am just irritated because my mom has always told us (mady and i) that she didnt want to favor one over the other. . . well guess what. . . SHE IS! I had my car paid off 1 month before my mother ever started helping me with my rent, and I get exhausted with work and school. But i was never allowed, nor would i have wanted to or felt right being allowed to, let my parents pay for stuff and me sit back with no job and rest because i was too tired to work to pay for my own car. Like i said in a previous post i wasnt even allowed to think about purchasing a car until i had a full time job, and i've kept one for 7 years straight now. It just irritates me (1) that my mother still doesnt know how her approach to solving this problem was wrong, and (2) that mady is now probably gonna be allowed to have this new car and not be responsible for the payments. All i know is im gonna either get a second job, put my stuff in storage and live in my car, or build me a cardboard box to live in, but im not gonna let my mother pay anymore of my rent cuz i wont have that held over my head!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mady's New Ride!

So here it is. This is mady's new car. Its an 09 (i think) Mitsubishi Lancer. Now i know i was kinda heated about it earlier, but i am going to not worry so much about it now. I have realized its not my problem to deal with, and everything is okay other than the fact that she doesnt have a job. But im going to say my prayers for her and hope that everything works out like it should. i dont want this to blow up in her face, and i dont want her to fail, so i hope that everything falls into place and that she is able to succeed with her car as a responsibility. i love my sister more than anything and i only wish her the best with everything. CONGRATS ON THE NEW CAR MADY!!! o and thanks for lettin me drive it before mom or dad!!! he he he.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Harry Potter Sighting!!!

Okay, so as most of you know my sister Mady totaled her car a couple weekends back. well these pics were taken about 5 days after the accident. her stitches had been taken out, but she still had her staples in her head. i told her she looked like harry potter. ha ha ha. she says her name is Harry Pot-head. which i dont know how that can be true because she has never smoked pot in her life. She's just a goof ball. But like i've said many times, im just greatful we still have her here with us. I LOVE YOU MADY!!!


Okay, so this post is from a few weeks back but i just now uploaded the stuff from my camera. A few weekends back my sister mady had a dance competition. She had 5 dances that she had to perform in the competition and i picked my favorite 2 to put up here. But she did absolutely wonderful on all of them. This first one is called the Flashlight Dance. In it, all of the dancers started out hiding in the bleachers and then when the music started they turned their flashlights on and came down onto the floor. it was so cool. i dont know how to explain to you where she is on this one cuz they all have thier hoods or hats on and i usually find her by her hair. i know she came from the lower left corner, and she usually ends up in the front cuz Gina thinks she's one of the best dancers in the class. . . AND SHE'S RIGHT!!! :-)

The next dance was their last performance. The did such a good job on all of their performances but this one is the one i liked most! I think this dance is called Bounce just because thats the first song in the performance. She is the one laying on the ground directly to the left of the guy standing up right in the front and she lands on the center gym floor line after the roll over in the very beginning of the song.

My sister is so good at dancing and she truly enjoys it. I hope she never quits dancing because its like her outlet. Its what she loves to do and it gives her a break from everything stressful in her life. I quit my dance class that i was taking. I didnt do it because i didnt like it, i did it because it felt like 6th grade all over agian where i was the outcast of the group. I dont think it had any thing to do with the other girls, i think it was my fault for not having enough self esteem for me to think i was good enough to do it. Ya' see, all the other girls were skinny, and they didnt "giggle" (lol) when they danced. Me on the other hand didnt like the way i looked when i would be dancing. Hell i dont like the way i look when im not dancing. And its because of this fact that i couldnt allow my self to let loose and just enjoy what i was being a part of and enjoy the dancing like i use to back when i was in cheerleading. Its my own fault, and hopefully i can loose some weight and try it again because i would give anything do be able to do what mady does. She is just so talented and i look up to her more than she will ever know.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Okay . . . let me set the scene for you'all. . . Its a clouded over evening, and im getting out of class. I had texted my sister asking her if she wanted to come over to my house and hang out for the evening. She replied with a yes, but told me she would need a ride (due to her NOT having a car, or so i thought, since she had totaled hers a week and half earlier!!!). So i graciously offered to go pick her up so that we could hang out. Here's where the plot thickens. . . DUN DUN DUN! As i pull into my parents driveway, i notice a shiny silver thing in the distance. It was way at the end, almost as if (hopefully) no one would really notice it. Well, I DID! As i get closer i notice it has 4 round tires and a spoiler. . . (at this point i was thinking. . . WHAT THE F***!?!?!) Yep, much to my amazement, there sits a Mitsubishi Lancer, New as can be. I park my car angerly, turn off my engine, and take a loooooong deeeeep breath! I try to calm myself before i exit my vehicle and approch the entrance of my parents house. I try to think of ways that this situation would be justified so that i wouldnt be so shocked, upset, and confused at what my eyes had just seen. As i enter the house, i dont mention the shiny new automobile that is parked outside. . . until i cant take it anymore. I then ask my mother if that is Mady's new car. She states that it is, and that they got a good deal with zero percent financing (which makes it all that much better and okay, right??? . . . NO!!!). Well as hard as it was i bit my tongue because its not my credit that they are screwin with, its theirs. Why do i say this? Well maybe its the fact that my sister, Mady, HAS NO JOB RIGHT NOW!!! Now, if im wrong, someone PLEASE correct me, but how on earth does anyone buy a car with no job!?!?! Please, dont get me wrong, im not mad or jealous that she has another new car, im shocked that she has another new car and she doesnt even have a way to pay for it! That is not what responsibility is! When i talked to Mady she said her car payment wasnt due for 45 days and that she would find a job within the next couple of weeks. . . Well you tell me. . . Is a job a garaunteed find in today's economy??? Hmmm. . . that's a tough one, but im gonna go with probably not. I remember a day when my mom use to be the one teaching us kids that it wasnt a good idea to jump right into things. She use to tell us that if things were not certain, you shouldnt commit yourself to something. Hell, our insurance hasnt even processed the claim for the total loss on her toyota yet! Mady cant even insure the Lancer until the insurance files the claim and its processed and the toyota is taken off of the insurance. I guess im just shocked cuz when i went shoppin for my car when i was sixteen, i wasnt even allowed to entertain the thought of buying a car unless i had a job! I dunno what to think about all of it, all i know is that im a bit irritated at the whole situation and i needed to vent! So there, I VENTED!!!