Today was Reina's 5th Birthday!!!! she's getting so big. time flies by so fast. I cant believe that she has been in my life for 5 years now. WOW. But i can deffinately say those have been the best five years of my life so far. hopefully there will be more to come. Well since she couldnt have her own cake i gave her some vanilla ice cream on a spoon, but only a couple spoon fulls because we are dieting. he he he.
Okay, Okay. . . So i spoil her just a bit. But she is an only child, so isnt that the rule when it comes to only children? he he he. here are all of her presents that she got for her birthday: a baseball, hammer, rope, pink basketball, football, stuffed baseball on a rope, and rawhide bones. all of the toys were mainly squeaky toys cuz she loves to make them squeak. she is so funny. And she couldnt wait to start chowin down on some of her bones.