Thursday, June 25, 2009

Why. . .

does everything have to happen at once??? So here i am in the middle of trying to find a house and working on saving every bit of money i can to put towards it, and i now have had other things come up. First off i learn that i am going to have to have new back brakes and rotors which will be about $200. Second i find out that i need new tie rod ends on my two front wheels so that the car can be properly aligned, and both of those for parts and labor will cost total about $400. Third, this past sunday my computer decides to stop working. It just wont turn on, and through a couple of different calls and contacts i learned that it was the motherboard that had gone bad. This problem is by far the most expensive to fix at a total of about $500. Hell for that price you can get a new computer, but then i run into more problems. I have always been one to believe if your gonna buy something then buy what you want, and what i want (new computer wise) is like 1200. But i think its still worth it to just buy a new computer because mine is 6 years old and runs like a dinosaur!!! Im just tired of every thing happening at once and right when you dont need it to. grrrrrrrrrrrr

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Starting From Scratch. . .

okay so, about this house thing. . . yeah. . . um. . . NO DEAL! i have withdrawn my offer on my house and am now going to be starting this whole looking-offering-accepting-buying process all over again. :-( First off i ran into issues with my down payment and other funding that i needed to come up with. My dad was getting a home equity line of credit and was going to gift me the money for what i needed and i would just pay him back. All was going as planned until last thursday he got told he had been Dis Approved after being approved only due to the fact that his house sits on 2 lots. . . WHAT THE HELL?!?! that doesnt make any sense at all because the increased lot size should only increase the value of the home. I immediately called my realtor and told her and the mortgage loan officer that i was working with about what had happened, and i said i couldnt go through with it cuz i now had no down payment and didnt know how long it ws going to take for the city to come out and remeasure their lot as 1 big lot for the line of credit to be able to go through. At that point i thought that the contract had been terminated based on my inability to meet my financial requirements. . . i guess i thought wrong (even though i told her i was not able to follow through with the purchase and the inspection and everything else had been cancelled at that time.) So yesterday when my dad got good news that he had been approved through a different financial institution for his home equity line of credit i called my realtor and asked what we had to do now and if i needed to put in another offer on the house. She said no and that i was still set to close on the 26th. . . (again) WHAT THE HELL??? i havent even given notice at my appartment and cant afford a mortgage payment AND a rent payment in the same month. Then i also found out that since rates had gone up and i had not been locked in at a lower rate that my house payment was now up to almost $850/mo. NO!!! I REFUSE!!! Also it was past the deadline to have the home inspection done and count towards the purchase of the house, and so if i still chose to have one done then no matter the outcome i would still be obligated to buy the house. this made me mad as i didnt know what the outcome would be and i didnt wanna get locked into a house if it had a lot of problems. so i withdrew my offer and im now starting from scratch :-(

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Little Sophie!!!

Here she is!!! this is Sophie, mady's new little pug. she is the cutest, most playful, spunkiest thing you will ever meet. in the top photo she was about 4 weeks old, and in the bottom photo about 3 weeks. i guess pug moms arent very good at taking care of their babies so mady got to take her home early. she is now off of the baby rice cereal and milk and eating soft puppy food. she is so funny just to watch when she plays cuz she will head butt things. she also likes to pounce when she is playing. i miss the puppy days, and seeing sophie only makes me want another puppy, but i have to wait til i get my house before i can get another dog. i would really like a lab or another german shepherd. o well we'll see what happens down the road. welcome to our family Sophie, you are helping to heal a broken spot in mady's heart, but zoiee will never be forgotten.

Mady and Tyesen headin to the prom!

i know im late gettn these pics up, but here they are. Tyesen and Mady went to highland's prom together, and at first they had a good time but the didnt end too well. :-( but everything is okay, it was just the group that they went with that caused stress for everyone. I also think that mady was still struggling with loosing her dog that week so she was a bit on edge.
it was really cute tho what mady told me what tyesen had said. "im sorry mady, i told you this was a rough draft and that i wasnt very good at these things. Next year will be better i promise!" he is really a great guy and i hope they are together forever. i already treat him like family and so does my mom and dad. I think he even considers himself as part of our family.
Mady's dress was almost exactly like mine from when i went to prom. she was so beautiful and i got to help her POOF her hair. lol. im sorry that you didnt have the night of your life mady, but dont worry there will be more proms for you to go to. :-) love you tons.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So much to catch ya'll up on. . .

Okay. . . Where to start. . . first off, mady had an okay time at prom. her night didnt go as planned but her and tyesen are still doing great. he's such a great guy and he treats her well, and im glad that they are there for one another. I took some pics and i will post them later tonight or hopefully by this weekend at the latest. Second off, Mady got a new little pug!!! She is so adorable, and her name is Sophie. Right now she is only 4 weeks old, but we had to take her because the momma pug wouldnt feed the pups anymore. The lady that was selling them had started feeding the puppies just baby formula and baby rice cereal, so we took the little thing and started feeding her the same stuff. She's doing really good, and again i have pics of her that i will get posted by this weekend at the latest. Lastly, I PUT AN OFFER IN ON A HOUSE!!!! :-) i am waiting to hear back on my offer, but as soon as i know if i have a house or not i will post it!!! well i think thats the short "sum up" of what has happened in the last 2 weeks, but if i've left something out i'll fill ya'll in on it later. :-)