Monday, February 16, 2009

i have done nothing. . .

ALL FREAKIN WEEKEND!!! and it was so great. it has been one of those L...A...Z...Y weekends where you just lay around all weekend and do nothing. and the best part was that i didnt have to work or go to class today (which is monday by the way) so it was actually an EXTENDED lazy weekend which is even better. So all i've done is stayed on my chouch and watched some dvd's of a tv series that i just got into. my friend amanda let me borrow her ANGEL series dvd's and i only have one more disc to go before im done. its a really good show tho. :-) its got action, humor, and some romance here and there, which is everything i like! Waaahooooooo. and after im done with that i am going to start watching her dvd's of the tv series SUPERNATURAL. its all her fault that i am into all of this ghostly, vampire, supernatural shows. lol. but i have to hand it to her, they are all really good.

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