Friday, August 28, 2009

Row Row Row Your Boat. . .

well my dad returned home from boise from a business trip on wednesday evening. when i stopped up at the parents to get my dog he asked me if i wanted to see a "pretty shocking picture"? so i said sure what the hell, not really thinkin anything of it. . . well i was completely caught off guard when he pulled up these pictures of him rafting down a river. HE NEVER DOES ANYTHING OUT DOORS!!! lol. WAY TO GO DAD! Im so proud of you for letting your adventurous side show. His boss had secretly planned this excursion for the end of their business trip and it was a surprise to all of them as well. My dad was a bit leery at first, but decided to go along with it and he said he was glad he did.
He is the one int he Yellow shirt.

I guess they had just passed a BIG rock in this one.

faster dad faster! you need to row faster!

Hang on for your life dad!

O crap here comes the water. . .


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